Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Horse Evolution...

Rapid body size decline in Alaskan Pleistocene horses before extinction, so says the article in Nature. Here's an excerpt, "About 70% of North American large mammal species were lost at the end of the Pleistocene epoch. The causes of this extinction - the role of humans versus that of climate - have been the focus of much controversy." So what? Well for one, understanding the role humans have played in animal extinction will help us better manage our current world. But the important thing to note is that the large mammals went extinct regardless of whether humans were involved. Now... why is that important? It's important because some of the so-called best examples presented for natural evolution are the horse and the whale... large mammals. But history has shown us that large mammals run a high risk of extinction due to their inability to react fast enough to environmental changes. Just look at how easily we can run various species of whales into extinction. Why, manatees might not be able to survive whether humans are involved or not. The supposed evolutionary sequence for horses has been drastically revised in the past 100 years, with species originally thought to be part of the modern horse's lineage now considered to be evolutionary dead-ends. Well, they've got the dead-end part correct. Simply put, the evolutionary model cannot account for the appearance and re-appearance of large mammal species, prior to mankind. The Biblical model can. In Genesis we read that God created up until His intended culmination..Humans. After that, it tells us that He rested or, ceased, from His creative activities. Hebrews tells us that God continues in His rest to this day and that is supported by the fact that the seventh day shows no conclusion in Genesis. Now, to be sure, human activity tremendously exacerbates species extinction rates. Yet, discounting the effect of human involvement, species will go extinct at a rate of about 1 species per year. The question that evolutionists should be asking is, "Why aren't we seeing any replacement species evolving?" The answer is in Genesis 2:1-3 "The heavens and the earth were completed with everything that was in them. By the seventh day God finished the work that he had been doing, and he ceased on the seventh day all the work that he had been doing. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he ceased all the work that he had been doing in creation." NET

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