Saturday, October 15, 2005

GodBlogCon '05, Final Thoughts...

I attended the two final breakout sessions today at GodBlogCon '05. The conference is now history. Some closing comments:
  • All in all, a wonderful conference. Yes, it was heavily represented by conservative Christians (theologically and politically). My question to those who raised this as an issue: What did you expect?
  • Kudos to the Biola students and graduates who volunteered their time to serve those attending the conference. You ladies and gentlemen were absolutely fantastic! After witnessing the genuine and deep love that Dr. John Mark Reynolds (JMR) has for all of you, though, it really isn't surprising that you would step up to the plate for him.
  • A great session on Thursday night by Dr. JMR. Is there anyone else who could so deftly intertwine Plato, the Titanic, the APA, and the Greek Orthodox church into a talk on blogging?
  • While I'm thrilled that Melinda "The Enforcer" Penner attended the conference, I wish that there had been more of a participatory presence from the Stand to Reason organization. For instance, perhaps we could have addressed the question: How can an apologetics organization better utilize the blog format? (BTW, be on the lookout for a new and completely revamped website from STR - coming very soon)
  • Thanks to Jollyblogger (David Wayne) for his insightful talk on Blogging Theology today. I really appreciate your point that theology is a way of life. It brings to mind the quote from either Lewis or Kreeft regarding the fact that whether or not people like philosophy, they all hold to some sort of philosophy - either good or bad. Likewise, whether or not one likes theology does not dismiss the fact that they will hold to some form of theology. Thanks for helping us hold on to good theology, David.
  • Does Hugh ever sleep?
  • Great roundtable discussion from some very heavy hitters in the blog and academic world.
  • Joe Carter is a very special person. I, for one, greatly appreciate you Joe!
  • Can you get over the cafeteria that Biola now has?
  • I'm scared of Stacy.
  • I don't feel quite so intimidated after finding out that I knew the definition of the word penultimate long before Hugh did.
  • A little known (or little publicized) fact from the GodBlogCon is that many a tiny blogger found themselves being encouraged by the community they met.
  • An enjoyable session by James Scott Bell regarding how blogging can bolster a writing career. I also got the chance to meet a few new bloggers including Lores, from Just a Woman, who will have a talkradio program in the southern California area beginning in January.
  • Most important statement made at the conference? "God is not a Republican or a Democrat. He's a monarchist." - Dr. JMR
  • Thank you Matt!
Here are a few pics I shot on Friday, October 14th: A panorama of Hugh's radio broadcast. Here he's interviewing David Wayne and Joe Carter. With the ever present Coke at his side, we immediately know that this is Dr. JMR. And while it may appear that he is praying over his ailing laptop... we know that there must be some Platonic reason for his posture. I believe that is Jason Janz behind JMR, intently listening to Hugh's show. The first of several photos I had taken with bloggers whom I had previously only known electronically. Here I'm with David Wayne, from Jollyblogger. Here I am with Joe Carter from Evangelical Outpost. You 'da man, Joe! Here I am with Bonnie from Off the Top and Intellectuelle. I'm not really that tall, and she's not really that short... we were on a slope. Finally, here are Suzanna, from Salvation Walls, and Bonnie (referenced above).


Anonymous said...

Hey! What are you ascared of ? Huh? Huh??? :)


Rusty said...


Oh... you know that an essentially introverted individual (like myself) will make sure to stay out of the way of an outspoken and determined woman (such as yourself). After all, I may be crazy, but I'm certainly not stupid.

Seriously, I enjoyed your comments at the conference, and I admire your tenacity.


Anonymous said...

Rusty - I enjoyed meeting you at the conference. Yours was one of the first blogs I read when I started blogging after following a link from Joe. So, it was a real treat to meet you and I'm glad you got something out of the breakout session.