Monday, March 01, 2004

PoMos and Absolutes...

I'm still trying to figure out just what PoMos mean when they go on about how we should approach the concept of truth. Context is a word that generated a comment from Dave at Welcome to the Planet with regards to his post on The Passion. He brought out that the church has condemned the violence and sex that is rampant in R rated movies to the point of claiming that it is wrong to frequent such a film; and yet, they now are encouraging their flock to go see the extremely violent, R rated movie, The Passion of the Christ. I commented by saying, "It is gratuitous violence that is criticized. Context matters." In Dave's response he said, "I find it interesting that you say the violence of this movie is all about context, that almost sounds PoMo Rusty ;o) Doesn't it seem fair that if going to rated R movies is wrong, then this one should be included?" Cut to a recent broadcast of Creation Update by Reasons to Believe in which a caller discussed a debate he was having with a "postmodern" friend that made a similar logical connection. Evidently his friend made the case that if society believes killing another human being is wrong and makes an exception to that in the case of, say, self-defense, then they have made that truth relative. Is it really so simple as to explain to these people that life is a bit more complex than they seem to be implying? Consider the mandate: Going to R rated movies is wrong. Well, yes, if that were the mandate then it would be wrong to attend The Passion. But the mandate is more complicated than that. Rather, consider: The gratuituos violence inherent in R rated movies is of little or no redeeming value and, as a result, Christians should avoid such displays. Consider the mandate: Killing another human being is wrong. Well, yes if that were the mandate then it would be wrong to kill another human being even in the act of self-defense. But, once again, the mandate is more complicated. Rather, consider: The taking of innocent human life is wrong. Context is not relativism. Context clarifies, defines, and structures our responses.

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