Sunday, August 01, 2004

The NEA and Homeschooling...

Check Political activism takes center stage for NEA, by Phyllis Schlafly. She writes:
The most controversial vote at the NEA convention turned out to concern one word in the anti-home-school resolution. B-69 as introduced read: "The Association also believes that unfunded home-schooled students should not participate in any extracurricular activities in the public schools." The word "unfunded" precipitated a lively debate. Some schools provide funding for home-schoolers to participate in after-school activities such as sports. The amendment to remove the word "unfunded" was designed to put the NEA on record as opposed to letting home-schoolers darken the door of public schools regardless of whether there is money to finance their participation. In the end, the majority of delegates voted to delete "unfunded." Whether or not the participation of home-choolers is funded, the NEA wants to prohibit them them from competing in any way with public-school students who are "with us all day." The NEA thus made its animosity against home-schoolers loud and clear. The only thing this powerful and wealthy union fears is home-schooling.
In the children's best interests, no doubt...

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