Sunday, October 16, 2005

Nature, Humans, and procreative strategies...

On October 11th Michelle Duggar, of Rogers, Arkansas, not only delivered her 16th child but indicated that she and her husband Jim would like to have more. Also last week, Peggy Jo Conner is alleged to have used a baseball bat to beat her neighbor Valerie Oskin, who happens to be eight months pregnant, and then attempt to cut out Oskin’s unborn child to take as her own. If Nature is all there is, as the tenets of atheistic naturalism seem to mandate, then we are at a loss to declare a couple that chooses to intentionally burden themselves with 16 children as any better than a pragmatic nihilist who happens to minimize the burden of her gestation period by stealing another person’s unborn child.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who is intellectually honest will admit that there is no way one set of parents can have a meaningful relationship wit SIXTEEN children, There is something "wrong" with anyone who would contemplate, much less pursue that type of "family." Clearly they are more concerned with meeting their own warped needs than what is best for their children, ALL of their children. But to somehow compare this with a woman who cuts a child from another's uterus???? How do they relate? I'm reasonably intelligent and posses a Master's degree, admittedly in business, not psychology, but I fail to see how they compare in any rational sort of way.

Anonymous said...

That WAS my comment.